Of The Good Singlish Campaign And Wayan's Story
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I read three comments from three different people in the Straits Times that prompted me to write this post. The gist of each:
- Singlish is not bad English
- Retaining Singlish means preserving culture
- Having a neutral accent is important.
The Good English Movement
I also believe that adopting a neutral accent should be a major focus of the campaign. I found out much later, when I had almost completed this post, that this sentiment is somehow stated differently as part of the movement's main aims:
The central message of the movement is to get Singaporeans to:I have been staying in Singapore for almost two years now and I have been able to adjust to the accent, but every so often I'd wish the person I was talking to would slow down and enunciate all the syllables. I will admit I had a bit of difficult time understanding what people were saying (in English) during my first few weeks here in the Merlion City.
1. Speak in Standard English so as to be understood by all English speakers in this globalised and highly-interconnected world.
2. Pay attention to accurate pronunciation. However, this is not about acquiring a new foreign accent.
Wayan's Story
"Sorry, my English not very good," Wayan admits.
Wayan shared with me a few of his misadventures. On that first conversation, he told me his superior was constantly angry with him and he’d have his daily ration of the F word from him. It was so bad he said that he’d often had to excuse himself so he could cry in the toilet.
His superior’s tongue-lashing, insults and curses were not just a case of bad mood, waking up at the wrong side of the bed or a quarrel with the girlfriend though. Often times, it was due to customer complaints about Wayan not being able to understand what they were saying.
"The English here, very difficult to understand," Wayan complains.
"That's because you're not yet used to the accent," I countered. "Give it a little more time."
During the course of the conversation, I often had to say "Sorry?" or "Pardon?" so Wayan would repeat what he just said. But it wasn’t because his English or his manner of speaking was so incomprehensible; the connection was just bad.
Because of the communication gap, the clear message of the daily dose of F word he received, and one other incident to form a strikeout, Wayan has already come up with a conclusion about Singaporeans.
"One day I talk to someone I meet and so we talk and talk that day," Wayan says. "The next day we meet again and I try to talk with him but he don't talk, like we never talk before."
"The people here not very friendly," Wayan concludes.
Final Encounters
"Thanks to all these people who use grammatically incorrect English, I have a job," quips the highly animated Mr. X, who gives lectures to local companies to promote good English.
I must confess that I myself have been influenced. It can be endearing actually -- Singlish, as long as we don't end up speaking ungrammatical or incomprehensible English. Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong at the launch of the Speak Good English Movement in 2000 says:
If Singlish were only "a smattering of Chinese and Malay words", there would be no problem. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Singlish uses Chinese syntax and Singlish speakers often use literal translations of Chinese phrases. This means that the sentences are not only ungrammatical and truncated but often incomprehensible, especially to foreigners. Classic examples would be: "You got money, sure can buy one." Or, "This is my one" derived from "zhe shi wo de".I am reminded of an early blunder I made.
"Please stop dumping files to the server so we can isolate the problem," I requested.
"Yah lah! We stop." came the reply.
The trouble was I took that to mean they were going to stop. When I called a few minutes later to confirm if their team had already stopped dumping files, I was in for a surprise.
"Yah lah. Spoke to you a while ago ah. Stop already, I told you mah."
Already aware we were having problems at our end, they were in fact being proactive and had already stopped dumping files prior to my call. I should have taken the cue from the enthusiastic "Yah lah!" that I was greeted with earlier.
My conversation woes at work have constantly diminished over the months as I've learned to listen better and have become more adept at interpreting what is being said based on key words. I still make occasional mistakes but have learned to clarify before jumping to conclusions.
A quote from Robin Sharma keeps echoing in my head every now and then: "Clarity precedes success".
I guess the same could be said as to why the movement makes perfect sense.
Maybe my Singlish sucks, but I'd also take:
"Yah lah! We stop."
to mean "Yeah, we're going to stop"
In Singlish, the meaning "Yeah, we've stopped already" would be conveyed by the following:
"Yah lah! We stop liao."
Maybe the guy meant 'Yah lah! We stopped.'
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