I would have loved to get a glimpse of the sea everytime I look out the window. Such a view always had a calming effect, a respite from stressful work or not-so-pleasant encounters. Back at home, it made me dream of far-away places and served as a constant reminder of the world's vastness. Away, it made me dream of coming back and served as gentle reminder of my roots.

I settle for the view from our client's office in Bukit Merah, which reveals --apart from the trees, buildings and roads-- empty, stained swimming pools. The one on the left must have been for children, as its shallow depth, yellow slide and the easy stairs suggest. It must have been wonderful to watch toddlers wading in the water and older children performing the endless cycle of running, climbing, sliding and splashing.

It's mostly buildings and trees from the other windows. But of course, this is Singapore. Thank goodness for the trees.

It's not so easy to see where the name of the place takes after. That is,
bukit is Malay for "hill", while merah means "red".

In the photo above, the patch of green clearly stands out and looks out of place with the dense collection of buildings at the background. But it's such a relief from the sight of sprawling structures. With the sea out of sight, I'll take it. For the time being.
Labels: bukit merah, singapore
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