Monday, March 29, 2010

Singapore 360 - Day 26: Pasir Ris Town Park Fish Pond

TurbinesI haven't tried fishing. But I heard, just like with golf and photography, it's a lot of fun but also requires tons of patience. Fun and patience — they're an odd pair but with certain things you can't have one without the other.

Turbines 2I had the opportunity to visit the Pasir Ris Town Park again during the weekend. Not going there to jog, I did not pass up the chance to take a few pictures. Those who were fishing in the pond didn't seem to mind. Well, I tried not to get in their way.

A Catch!Before leaving I made a promise to myself to try fishing within the year. I have one person in mind who I think would gladly come with me. And the fish pond at the Pasir Ris Town Park doesn't look like a bad place to start.


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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Asia 360 - 15th Philippine Hot Air Balloon Festival (3/3)

As I wandered through the crowd on the last day of the hot air balloon festival, it was evident that both young and old had happy memories to take home with them from the event. Their excitement during the aerobatics was obvious from their reactions. So was their amusement as they cheered when face-painted and colorfully costumed youngsters marched and performed amazing tricks to the beat of kettledrums. So was their delight as they clapped every time a plane hit its target in the balloon bursting segment.

There was also a different kind of joy, one I've observed gleaming in the eyes of fathers, mothers, grandparents as they carried their young ones on their shoulders, took pictures of them riding in an airplane, taught them how to fly kites, queued with them to the hotdog stands and portable toilets, and dreamed with them being captains of their own planes someday. If that wasn't rewarding enough, the bliss was apparent on the faces of the children too. I'm sure that those happy memories will last a lifetime in the heads of some, and indelibly etched in the souls of everyone forever.

Certainly there is pride in the hearts of the pilots from being among the privileged few who are able to do what they do, more so from being able to impart happiness to the others in their own way. If only momentarily, they turned into artists who find delight in seeing others appreciate their craft. It must be a pleasurable thing too, to be able to express the joy of flying, without the use of words, to people who will never be able to fully comprehend it. The feeling of being able to provide inspiration to those who aspire to fly someday must also be priceless.

It was a delightful experience for me too, this being my first. I have my own happy memories to take home with me. Just thinking about them makes me smile and want to come back.

I will certainly make plans to watch it again someday. There would be the children to take and grandchildren too. ;)


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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Asia 360 - 15th Philippine Hot Air Balloon Festival (2/3)

The balloons came in different colors, sizes and shapes. Among those that stood out were those that came in the shape of a beer bottle, a house, a turtle and a star.

While the hot air balloons were the highlight of the event, that wasn't all there was to it. The air show also featured skydivers jumping out of planes in their colorful parachutes, daredevils performing aerobatics using light aircraft, aviators parading various ultralight planes and slingers testing their aim in balloon bursting.

This is one of the ultralights.

One of the helicopters during this segment where the pilots show of their skills in hovering just a few inches above the ground and keeping it stable for about a minute.

Here's a member of the Philippine Army making a perfect landing. Some inevitably tumbled during their landing.

Another perfect landing from another daredevil. Notice the different type of parachute used.

Here's a free spirit manuevering a powered paraglider.

Hired performers wearing colorful costumes and carrying equally colorful scarecrows and eagles on sticks above the head commingle with the crowd.

Here are some of the pilots posing for the camera.

To be continued...


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